Nama Baileys Chocolate - Fresh Chocolate with Baileys Wine Flavor


Fresh Chocolate Flavor won't disappoint you because of the unique taste of Bailey Original Irish Cream Wine mixed with Chocolate, each Nama will make your taste buds feel stimulated, the aroma of Wine It will waft on your nose, along with the smoothness of Nama that will melt right into your mouth, it's really a feeling of anticipation and makes you captivated by each Nama capsule.

When it comes to Nama, people always think of the softness and sweetness of Chocolate and always give users a sense of satisfaction, from taste to shape. Each capsule that is carried with it is the taste of Baileys Wine, always be the best choice for those who like to experience the taste of wine gently, fleeting but lingering on the tongue is a little aftertaste of the aroma of Wine.

All ingredients are carefully screened by Choco Line from natural ingredients in Vietnam, as well as Choco Line's attention to the taste of consumers, always wanting to send sweet and delicious.

And we are also sure that Choco Line's customer care is always a priority, so when shipping, each box of Nama will be supported with dry ice so that the Chocolate can reach users, always keep it. taste as well as the quality of Nama.

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